Test Case 1

Test case 1 describes the qualitative simulation of a fire smoke. The accidental fire started at about 01:30 AM on October 15, 2012 and lasted the whole day with varying intensity. A volume source has been used to describe the fire. The emission rates are fictitious since actual data were not available, therefore the resulting concentrations do not represent the real situation. This test case will show you how to set up a source file with variable emission parameters.

You must unzip the test case zip file preserving the directory structure. The zip file contains:

  • README.txt (this text)
  • LAPMOD\lapmod_testcase1.inp - The main input file of LAPMOD
  • LAPMOD\go_lapmod.bat - A batch file to run LAPMOD (you must edit it to change the lapmod.exe directory)
  • LAPMOD\Inp\lapmet_testcase1.met - The meteorological input file (output of LAPMET)
  • LAPMOD\Inp\lapmod_substances.dat - The LAPMOD substances database
  • LAPMOD\Inp\receptors_testcase1.inp - The LAPMOD discrete receptors file
  • LAPMOD\Inp\sources_testcase1.inp - The LAPMOD source file
  • LAPMOD\Out\ - Directory with the LAPMOD output files
  • LAPOST\lapost_testcase1_conc.inp - LAPOST input file to extract concentrations
  • LAPOST\lapost_testcase1_part.inp - LAPOST input file to extract particles
  • LAPOST\go_lapost.bat - A batch file to run LAPOST (you must edit it to change the lapost.exe directory)
  • LAPOST\Out\ - Directory with the LAPOST output files

The batch files and the input files have been created for Windows users. Linux/UNIX/macOS users must edit the files as needed.


Test Case 2

Test case 2 describes a simulation over very complex terrain characterized by topography (valleys and mountains) and land-sea interface. The meteorological field for June 2, 2011 has been reconstructed with CALMET version 5.8.5. The continuous release from two fictitious buoyant point sources is simulated. The LAPMOD simulation of this test case takes about one minute on a modern PC, additional time is needed by the LAPOST processor. This test case will show you how few lines are needed to set up a source file with constant emission parameters.

You must unzip the test case zip file preserving the directory structure. The zip file contains:

  • README.txt (this text)
  • Test_Case2.kmz - A KMZ file for Google Earth useful to visualize the simulation domain, input parameters (sources and receptors), and some selected output (particles and concentrations). WARNING: Big file, it might slow down your PC while loading in Google Earth.
  • LAPMOD\lapmod_testcase2.inp - The main input file of LAPMOD
  • LAPMOD\go_lapmod.bat - A batch file to run LAPMOD (you must edit it to change the lapmod.exe directory)
  • LAPMOD\Inp\cmet_test.dat - The meteorological input file (output of CALMET)
  • LAPMOD\Inp\lapmod_substances.dat - The LAPMOD substances database
  • LAPMOD\Inp\receptors_testcase2.inp - The LAPMOD discrete receptors file
  • LAPMOD\Inp\sources_testcase2.inp - The LAPMOD source file
  • LAPMOD\Out\ - Directory with the LAPMOD output files
  • LAPOST\lapost_testcase2_conc.inp - LAPOST input file to extract concentrations
  • LAPOST\lapost_testcase2_part.inp - LAPOST input file to extract particles
  • LAPOST\go_lapost.bat - A batch file to run LAPOST (you must edit it to change the lapost.exe directory)
  • LAPOST\Out\ - Directory with the LAPOST output files
  • The batch files and the input files have been created for Windows users. Linux/UNIX/macOS users must edit the files as needed.


Test Case 3

Test case 3 describes a simulation over very complex terrain characterized by valleys and mountains. The meteorological field for July 4, 2018 has been reconstructed with CALMET version 6.5.0. The continuous release from two fictitious buoyant point sources is simulated. The LAPMOD simulation of this test case takes less than one minute on a modern PC, additional time is needed by the LAPOST processor.

You must unzip the test case zip file preserving the directory structure. The zip file contains:

  • README.txt (this text)
  • Test_Case3.kmz - A KMZ file for Google Earth useful to visualize the simulation domain, input parameters (sources and receptors), and some selected output (particles and concentrations). WARNING: Big file, it might slow down your PC while loading in Google Earth.
  • LAPMOD\lapmod_testcase3.inp - The main input file of LAPMOD
  • LAPMOD\go_lapmod.bat - A batch file to run LAPMOD (you must edit it to change the lapmod.exe directory)
  • LAPMOD\Inp\cmet_test3.dat - The meteorological input file (output of CALMET)
  • LAPMOD\Inp\lapmod_substances.dat - The LAPMOD substances database
  • LAPMOD\Inp\receptors_testcase3.inp - The LAPMOD discrete receptors file
  • LAPMOD\Inp\sources_testcase3.inp - The LAPMOD source file
  • LAPMOD\Out\ - Directory with the LAPMOD output files
  • LAPOST\lapost_testcase3_conc.inp - LAPOST input file to extract concentrations
  • LAPOST\lapost_testcase3_part.inp - LAPOST input file to extract particles
  • LAPOST\go_lapost.bat - A batch file to run LAPOST (you must edit it to change the lapost.exe directory)
  • LAPOST\Out\ - Directory with the LAPOST output files
  • The batch files and the input files have been created for Windows users. Linux/UNIX/macOS users must edit the files as needed.


Test Case 4

Test case 4 describes a simulation over very complex terrain characterized by valleys and mountains. Domain and time interval are the same of test case 3. The main objective of this test case is to show an application of the LAPCON post processor, which calculates concentrations starting from the LAPMOD unformatted output file of particles. The meteorological field for July 4, 2018 has been reconstructed with CALMET version 6.5.0. The continuous release from three fictitious buoyant point sources is simulated. The LAPMOD simulation of this test case takes less than two minutes on a modern PC, additional time is needed by the LAPOST and LAPCON processors.

You must unzip the test case zip file preserving the directory structure. The zip file contains:

  • README.txt (this text)
  • Test_Case4.kmz - A KMZ file for Google Earth useful to visualize the simulation domain, input parameters (sources and receptors), and some selected output (particles and concentrations). WARNING: Big file, it might slow down your PC while loading in Google Earth.
  • LAPMOD\lapmod_testcase3.inp - The main input file of LAPMOD
  • LAPMOD\go_lapmod.bat - A batch file to run LAPMOD (you must edit it to change the lapmod.exe directory)
  • LAPMOD\Inp\cmet_test4.dat - The meteorological input file (output of CALMET)
  • LAPMOD\Inp\lapmod_substances.dat - The LAPMOD substances database
  • LAPMOD\Inp\receptors_testcase4.inp - The LAPMOD discrete receptors file
  • LAPMOD\Inp\sources_testcase4.inp - The LAPMOD source file
  • LAPMOD\Out\ - Directory with the LAPMOD output files
  • LAPOST\lapost_testcase4_conc.inp - LAPOST input file to extract concentrations
  • LAPOST\lapost_testcase4_part.inp - LAPOST input file to extract particles
  • LAPOST\go_lapost.bat - A batch file to run LAPOST (you must edit it to change the lapost.exe directory)
  • LAPOST\Out\ - Directory with the LAPOST output files
  • LAPCON\lapcon_testcase4.inp - LAPCON input file
  • LAPCON\go_lapcon.bat - A batch file to run LAPCON (you must edit it to change the lapost.exe directory)
  • LAPCON\Out\ - Directory with the LAPCON output files
  • The batch files and the input files have been created for Windows users. Linux/UNIX/macOS users must edit the files as needed.
