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Download LAPMOD modeling system


Installing and running the LAPMOD system is quite simple under Linux, macOS and Windows. This page explains how to install LAPMOD under Windows.

You need to have a Fortran compiler installed on your computer if yu need to recompile the codes. The suggested choice is gfortran. You can download it from this webpage.

Download the source code (.zip file) provided after registration and extract it into any working directory you like.

After archive extraction you will find a directory named lapmod_system_YYYYMMDD where YYYYMMDD is the date of the system version. You're now ready to compile the codes. You need to open a DOS prompt, first.

From the LAPMOD_SYSTEM_YYYYMMDD directory, change directory to any of the directories LAPMOD, LAPEMI or LAPOST and run compile.bat. This will create the executable. You can modify the compile script according to your compiler in case it is not gfortran or if you want to change some settings.

The compressed archive already includes the Windows executables, as an alternative to compilation.

Use the command path\to\lapmod.exe lapmod.inp to run the model, where path\to\ indicate the path to the directory where the executable is.

Please note that for LAPMOD applications other than the test cases you will need to run a CALMET simulation first, in order to prepare the meteorological input. CALMET is part of the CALPUFF modeling system and is available free of charge from Exponent, Inc

You can also download a test case to start using LAPMOD.