TOXFLAM online

Wind speed (m/s):
Wind direction (deg):
Anemometer height (m):
Temperature (°C):
Mixing height (m):
Pasquill Gifford stability:
Current longitude (deg):
Current latitude (deg):
Current elevation (m):
Longitude (deg):
Latitude (deg):
X coordinate (m):
Y coordinate (m):
UTM zone:
Height (m):
Diameter (m):
Exit temperature (°C):
Exit speed (m/s):
Release rate (g/s):
Lower left X coordinate (m):
Lower left Y coordinate (m):
Number of points along X:
Number of points along Y:
Distance between points along X (m):
Distance between points along Y (m):

Software error:

Can't locate object method "start_button" via package "CGI" at /web/htdocs/ line 1163.

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